At DNA Juices we take great precautions to avoid cross-contamination of any sort. However we cannot guarantee the safety of our products with regards to nut allergies, therefore if you suffer a severe allergy to nuts we highly recommend you avoid consuming our products.
The contents of our juices is highlighted on majority of our labels as well as on this website. To be absolutely sure, a full ingredient list can be obtained from the staff at our stores or by emailing us at before making an online purchase.
We do not claim to diagnose or treat illnesses or any medical conditions. All material provided on this website is purely informative and to the best of our knowledge. It is your responsibility to educate yourself as to the contents, possible effects (such as going on a juice cleanse whilst on medication, etc.) of any cleanse, juicing, or any specific lifestyle and dietary information provided. The information on DNA Juices website is not meant to replace the advice of a professional health care provider. Therefore we recommend you consult your doctor before making any drastic dietary or lifestyle changes.
For first time juicers, we suggest cleanses no longer than three days without medical supervision. Pregnant and nursing women should not attempt to cleanse.
DNA Juices does not make any miracle health claims and we do not sell weight loss programs. We simply make cold pressed and fresh juice available and accessible to you. Our juices are unpasteurized and though our cleanliness standards are extremely high, harmful bacteria may still exist in the juice and could cause some individuals to become ill. This risk is no bigger than the one you take when you consume cut up fruit at the supermarket, farmers market or a high end restaurant.
Our juice cleanses are significantly lower in calories than the recommended daily intake for an average person, so we only recommend short term use - for the purpose of cleansing from processed foods. They are not designed to replace a regular, healthy diet with all the nutrients necessary for maintaining good health.